Captain Chaotica's Web-Dolls

Here are the web-dolls I have created.

From left to right:
Harry Potter and Hermione (my first ones), Cassandra from "Hercules: The Animated Series", Kagome from "Inuyasha", and two versions of Kim Possible (from "Kim Possible", duh)--one in her main normal school outfit, and one in her "mission clothes".


Question: What's with the different sizes?
Answer: I feel I can get more detail and personality onto a bigger doll, so I often change the size of the template before drawing, dollness onto it. But the Kim Possible ones I left at their original size, simply because I felt like seeing if I COULD draw one that small, and still have it look anything at all like the person it's supposed to be.

Question: What art program do you use to make these?
Answer: Just simple MSPaint. That's also why the backgrounds are not transparent--for that, you need Photoshop or something. Sorry. (But I reccommend putting the "Kimdolls" against darker backgrounds, anyway--makes the pale outlines of the hair and pants show up better.)

Question: What templates do you use? Where do you get them?
Answer: Well, the Cassandra doll was done from scratch, no template. The others were I think all from the same site (as you can see, Kim and Hermione are in about the same pose--I have a hard time finding girl dolls with blank faces and the proportions I want, who are also NOT doing overly "cutesy" or even downright slutty poses.) I, er, forget where I got the templates that I used for Kagome, Kim, Harry and Hermione. But when I find the site(s) again I _will_ make a link to it/them, I promise.

Question: Can I "adopt" one or more of these for my website/Livejournal/whatever?
Sure! But make sure you give me credit and link back either to this page or the main gallery page. Fair enough, right?

Question: Will you take requests? (Oh, like anybody's actually going to ask me this. :P)
Answer: Depends. First of all, I will NOT do any "generic" web-dolls--cutesy little teenagers in cutesy little trendy skanky skimpy teenybopper fashions, winking at the camera...huge over-sparkly cheesy looking eyes, big pouty lips, angels, Uh-uh. I only do web-dolls of actual CHARACTERS. Characters with at least _some_ vague spark of intelligence and individuality.
Also, it has to be somebody I at least somewhat know. I draw better when I know what kind of personality to have showing on the face.
I'm not good with schedules/deadlines; I'm not very good at getting things done _fast_. Also, I'm not a very...avid web-doll maker. I only make them every now and then, when I happen to feel like it. Which isn't all that often.
And last but not least, I can't guarantee the doll will come out the same _size_ you wanted. Sometimes I can draw halfway decently at the "normal" tiny web-doll size, but most of the time I have to make it at least slightly bigger. Sorry about that.
If you don't mind any of the above things and want me to make a web-doll for you of a character that we both at least somewhat like/have heard of, then feel free to contact me, and we'll see what we can work out.